Payment Policy - Tempfind
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Payment Policy

Effective Date: March 18, 2024

1. Introduction
This Payment Policy (“Policy”) outlines the various payment plans available to dental clinics (“Clinics”), as well as the procedures for invoicing and future enhancements to Temfind Inc. (“Tempfind”) payment process on the Tempfind platform (“Platform”). This Policy is designed to provide clarity and guidance regarding financial transactions conducted through the Tempfind platform.  This Policy is a legally binding agreement between Tempfind and Clinics utilizing its services. By continuing to use Tempfind services, Clinics agree to abide by the terms outlined in this Policy.

2. Payment Plans
Clinics whose free trial has ended are required to select one of the following payment plans:

  • Pay-Per-Hire Plan: This plan allows Clinics to post job vacancies, accept or decline applicants, or search and book professionals for a placement fee of $49 (plus applicable tax) per completed shift.
  • Essential Plan: Priced at $99 a month (plus applicable taxes), this plan enables Clinics to post job vacancies, accept or decline applicants, or search and book professionals with no limit on the number of monthly hires.

3. Payment Process
Currently, Clinics are responsible for directly compensating Professionals upon completion of their shifts according to the shift total and payment method indicated by the Clinic when posting a job vacancy or sending a booking request to a Professional.

As for the placement fee (as known as “Tempfinder Fee”):

  • For Clinics subscribed to the Pay Per Hire plan, an invoice will be sent at the end of their billing cycle, reflecting the number of completed shifts billed at the rate of $49 (plus applicable tax) per each completed shift.
  • For Clinics subscribed to the Essential Plan, an invoice for the monthly subscription amount of $99 (plus applicable taxes) will be issued at the start of their billing period.

4. Future Payment Process
Tempfind aims to enhance its payment process in the near future. As part of this enhancement, Tempfind will be transitioning to a model where the entire shift total, including the Tempfinder Fee, will be processed by Tempfind. The funds owed to a Professional will then be dispersed within 24-48 hours of shift completion.

5. Applicable Taxes
All fees and charges mentioned herein are exclusive of applicable taxes, which will be added to the Clinic’s total amount payable.

6. Amendments to the Policy
Tempfind reserves the right to modify or amend this Payment Policy at any time. Registered Clinics will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the Platform constitutes acceptance of the updated Policy.

7. Contact Information
For any inquiries or assistance regarding payments or this Payment Policy, please contact Tempfind customer support at

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